Thursday, November 3, 2011


 So, we made it to Slocan. It was dark, & going over (& down) the pass was a little intense, but we made it safe & sound. Carol & Lyle have the most friendly dog, & the boys were so SO happy to play with a puppy again.

We got in pretty late (830pm BC time). But everyone waited to have dinner with us! Carol made delish thai stirfry & it was so yummy! We hung out for a bit, but we were all so tired.

The next morning we woke up to snow! I heard Ozzies voice first like it was Christmas morning
*gasp* "hey guys, look outside, it's snowing"!!!
I got up & went for a run with Callym, it may look cold ~ but it was beautiful out. We ran over 2 km with Sable. It was a really great way to start out our first day in the mountains!

 After our run, Carol made Waffles with Blueberries from scratch. YUM! We decided to go to Anisworth HotSprings for a nice relaxing soak. The drive up was amazing, we must have driven the entire way thru the clouds.

 Here's another funny sign at Anisworth. I especially think the "no Chanting" was funny!
 They don't have lockers at the hotsprings, so they give you this big bag to put all your stuff in, then they hold it for you. I wanted to take photos out there, but with all the steam & dripping hot water I just couldn't.
But it was really cool there. There was a warm pool (37 degrees), the HOT caves (real caves where the hot springs come out of the mountain *42 degrees), & the cold plunge pool (6 degrees). Most of us went to the plunge pool a few times,  but only Oscar slipped in & got completely dunked!! Crazy Oz! Swimming thru the dark, hot caves was pretty cool tho. It's really was a relaxing way to spend the day (& after all the driving we've been doing, we deserved it!)
 Always bored in the car, here is a drawing Oz made.
 Here's a cute house/boat on land we saw driving along the Lake. Cool eh!
Right now we're just making homemade pizza for dinner & we may just play some cards tonight. The plan (so far) is to drive out to Penticton tomorrow, see my cousin & spend the night before we get to Vancouver. We'll see how we feel & how the weather is in the morning. I will leave you all with this Hilarious Photo of Chris that Callym took. Hope you all have a great night!

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