Friday, August 17, 2007

Captains Log August 17th 7pm 2007..... yadda yadda yadda

I bought the paint
I started painting
the upstairs bedroom is done
downstairs bedroom is done
kitchen walls are done
The windows and door trims are done
Chris has done the outside windows
I have gone out and bought boxes
I have packed away some of our treasures
I have packed away most photo albums
I still have a thousand things to pack
I have bagged many extra clothes
(the old saying, if you haven't worn it in 4 years, maybe it should go??)
I have gotten frustrated and yelled
I am slightly still a little tiny bit high off the paint fumes
I am sick and tired of whinny kids
I am so ready to throw away anything in my path
I want a shower. a long shower
I want a beer
I want a nap

Captain OUT