Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Salt Spring Island ~ Cheese.....

So we took a trip to Salt Spring Island. So BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

This post is about the Cheese Farm that we visited. For people who are trying to be as Vegan as possible ~ it's hard to believe that we walked out with more then 50$ worth of Cheese.... but trust us when we say, it really was irresistible!

 (here you can see Chris' is drunk off Goat Cheese :)

It was on our drive to explore the southern coast of SSI (Salt Spring Island) that we decided last minute to take the turn to the Cheese Farm. We thought, at the very least we could visit the Goats. Who doesn't love Goats?

We learnt that this particular Cheese Company has been around since 1996, David & Nancy (the founders) specialize in handmade Goat Cheese. We had a chance to walk through & see the Goats & pet them. We also took a stroll around & saw the Cheese being made. The process is pretty cool. The photos below will explain it all.