So, today is it. This is what we've been waiting months for, talking about, researching about, dreaming about. Today is the day we will be getting on the Ferry & finally seeing what the Island may be holding for us. Is our future there? Will it all work out this time?
I spent the night awake & unable to sleep. I don't know why it dawned on me then that the hard work was about to begin. Chris & I don't want to move the boys again & again & again..... We need to find a seriously cool town to set some roots down in. Funny how finding an apartment, job or school isn't freakin' me out, but finding the perfect town is. I guess we'll see.... but first, the ferry!
We woke up to rain, which was fitting considering the rumour is that is what we will be living with now! A dreary day outside, but we were all happy inside!
After paying for our ferry spot we waited around for around an hour. We walked around the market & then came back to the car. At one point I got a little cold so I asked Chris to start the car.......
But it wouldn't.....
Our poor car ("captain") did so well this entire time, & now that we were about to drive onto the ferry & take the last~first step, it wouldn't start......
I think it was because the radio was on or maybe she wasn't use to the rain yet, but who really knows. Thank gawd the nice guy beside us flipped his truck around to give us a boost! And just in time too, as our captain started up again with a nice roar, people were passing us to get on the ferry!
What a sight for us! first ferry since Costa Rica! Boy were we excited!!!
The 2 hourish ferry ride went by pretty fast actually. We were all hungry & excited & didn't know what to expect. I think Chris was a little nervous still, wondering if the car was going to start. (I wasn't worried tho! :)
Oscar was super excited to see a lighthouse,
It was a gorgeous ride. I wish I had photos, but I was just in awe of everything around me, & still in a bit of shock that we had actually made it all the way.
Look at the km we have done so far! what a wild ride!!!
And back to Twinkle! What an amazing cat! (part cat, part squirrel & part dog), here she is getting her first proper breathe of the salty island air (think she can smell the fish)?
of course we had to brave the cold & wind to get down to the actual water!
it was so amazing! I know we just got here, but it feels right!
We're off to the hotel now for some dinner & proper relaxing before we head off to do some important work ~ Finding the perfect town to settle down in so you all can come & visit!
Till later!