Friday, November 23, 2007

Still loving it here!

Today was another day for adventure. We decided to take another forest walk, but this time we hired a guide. We headed off to the "Santuario Ecologico", one of the many wild life reserves here. Our guide was fantastic, took his time and explained many of the plants, tree's and more that we passed. If I had a pen and paper on our walk I would be able to tell you about them all, but alas my memory is not so good. I do remember the leaf cutter ants. We saw them all in a line, marching with their huge leafs. They actually make there own trails in the forests! The queen lives between 15 and 20 years, and continuously makes more workers and soldiers. The soldiers ants watch out for predators, and the indigenous people use the soldiers to stitch up cuts (kind of like going to the doctor and getting stitches, but they use the soldier ants. There bite is so strong and powerful, once they latch on, they cut off the bodies, and they will stay latched on!) Also we saw their home (ant hill), it's HUGE, and they have little tunnels going from their trails, into the ant hill.... very tricky! The walk totaled around 2 hours, and it was great. But I think the best part was finding a two toed sloth and it's baby. These animals are nocturnal, so it was really cool to see it during the day. We stopped and stared at it for more than 20 minutes, just crawling up the tree with it's little baby, having a snack. Sloths eat leafs, about 50 different types of leaf - so they aren't too picky. It was crazy incredible. There were times when it would just stop, and they would both turn around and look at us. Very cool. Our guide told us that the mother is pregnant for around 11 months, and stay's with it's baby for about 2 years, after that the mother gives up her territory to her child and finds a new one for herself. Self-less mothers all around the world!!!

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