Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hi again, it's Callym

Today we are in Vancouver. It took a long time to get here. We are at our Auntie Barb's house. So far it's been an awesome trip! I so really miss you all a lot. I hope you are reading and enjoying our blog. It is close to bed time, but tomorrow we are going to the Vancouver Aquarium! We are so excited! Some animals we may see are: dolphins, sharks, crabs, squid, beluga whales & maybe orca's, jelly fish, octopus's and more.
Do you remember the story I told you about the deadliest land slide in Frank? Well, today we saw the largest landslide near Hope B.C. Only 4 people died, but it is the biggest in Western Canada. See Ms Laurin, I'm still learning!
I can't wait until we get to the Island, it is only a few more days. I hope you're all having fun at school. Do you have a lot of snow yet? Are you wearing winter clothes yet? Here it is still very green and warm!
From Callym

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Callym!

WOW - what a trip you have been on! I love seeing all the pictures and hearing all the new interesting facts you are learning on your road trip! We all miss you here at Angus McKay school and think about you often. I'm glad to hear you make it to the island safe and sound and I look forward to hearing more about your trip.
Take Care!
Miss Laurin

p.s. That ferry ride looked really neat, and I love the jellyfish picture! So Cool!!