Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Last Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday in Winnipeg

First the time was crawling by & now (it seems out of no~where) it's flown by & it's mid week! Not many things have happened since Sunday night, the POD was dropped off on Monday

 the boys, Chris & I recieved a really cool card from the neighbourhood!

& Chris had his last day of work today. You would think that they house would be at least mostly packed..... but it's not. I keep telling myself that I work better under pressure & that it will all get done in time, But I'm starting to doubt even myself when I take a good look around the house....
Photos still hanging on the walls....

 A mess of boxes yet to be put in the POD

Toys laying around & half empty boxes everywhere.....
Photos on the wall still, boxes laying around waiting for stuff. (and these are the presentable rooms!)

Well, at least I've started on our Car Boxes, one full of books, games, knitting, etc.

 And the other one is full of healthy snacks for the long ride. I'm hoping the kids understand the time it will take in the car just to get to Calgary! (7 hours to Regina & 9 to Calgary after that, we're gonna need a lot of snacks!!)

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