Monday, September 3, 2007


Well, September 2nd came and went. It was a great day. Family to hang out with, and birthday wishes from around the globe! I am a very lucky person. I try to remember this all the time. I know that I am so very lucky to have Chris, and the boys, to have everyone in my family. I love all of my friends, and love what my life has become. It's fantastic to think that this is my life. Freedom, love and happiness. That is what I am full of. You never really know what you're going to get in life, and what will happen. And I believe in Karma, so what have I done to deserve all of this happiness? Really, this is a serious question.... I'm not sure, but I will keep doing my best as a person to have the 'luck' continue for my family and I.
Well, this is my first full day as a 30 year old. I don't feel older, and I don't think I look older. I'm ok with being 30. No mid life crisis happening here. Maybe it has something to do with this amazing adventure that we are getting ready for. Maybe I'm just lucky again. At any rate, it's the way it is. Anyways, just a little blabbering about how lucky I feel. A big huge thank you to everyone that I have ever known for helping my have the best life ever. I love you all.

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