Sunday, November 18, 2007

Things I've learned on our trip thus far...

You need to have a plan or you'll go crazy!

Too much planning will drive you nuts.

Finding a balance between the 2 is very hard.

The worst part about moving around is the unpredictable showers and matresses.

Packing, unpacking and repacking every 4 to 10 days lets you evaluate how many pairs of knickers and hotwheels you REALLY need!

Eating out 3 times a day for 5 weeks has it's drawbacks... you just can't beat a home cooked meal. (miss you mom, mom and baba!!!!!!)

Laundry service is better than fantastic! I may not be able to live without it now.

You can never get sick of finding new seashells or rocks on the beach.

The fresh smell of the Ocean and Jungle is better than a cup of coffee in the morning (Yes I said that!).

Sometimes finding things to do in a new place is harder than you think.

There are rude people all around the world. (there are nice people everywhere too though).

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